Custom Printed Stadium Cups Come In A Variety of Sizes, Colors, Styles, And Special Features Such as Lids and Straws Read more below...

Custom Printed Stadium Cups Come In A Variety of Sizes, Colors, Styles, And Special Features Such as Lids and Straws.

Stadium Cups Are An Excellent, Economical Way To Promote Your Brand! Custom printed stadium cups are available in a huge variety of colors as well as a vista of print colors. There are also "mood cups" that actually change color as they are emptied, which are a great conversation starter at events. Custom stadium cups are usually available in sizes that include 12, 16, 18, 20 or 22 ounce capacities. Additionally there are "stubby" versions of stadium cups as well as "tall" versions, so be sure to specify which one you would like to have.

Stadium cups are virtually impossible to break and are machine washable. This means your brand will be displayed for years to come, thereby maximizing your return on a modest investment.They are FDA compliant, BPA free, and recyclable so they are eco-friendly.

Stadium cups can be screen printed, offset printed, and digitally printed. Stadium cups can have either smooth sides or classic "fluted" sides. The smooth sides are much better for high quality offset imprinting or digital printing and allow high resolution. The fluted side cups are more frequently used when screen printing. The screen printing is great for one or two color imprinting. When more than two color is required, consider having the stadium cups offset printed or digitally printed. For the ultimate in appearance, consider digital printing. With digital printing on stadium cups you can have unlimited colors, including full color photographs. Frequently, stadium cups can be imprinted on both sides at no additional charge using a "wrap" four imprint. With screen printing, some restrictions may include that the ink color must be the same on both sides, or if using more than one color of imprint, there has to be ample clearance between the colors - they cannot touch. Colors that come close are referred to as close registration, and close registration may not work with a wrap imprint.

When ordering stadium cups be sure to consider whether or not to get lids for them, and possibly straws. Both are available for a small additional charge.

One other advantage of using stadium cups for marketing is their light weight and minimal space required inside the shipping boxes. The cups are nested within each other when packaged so many can be inside one box, and the light weight means that each carton is economical to ship.

For more information about custom printed stadium cups, call Texas Branders to discuss the best size and imprint style to use for your upcoming promotion. We are always happy to help!
